Returning Citizens Community Connections

HCAM’s Returning Citizens Community Connections (RCCC) supports individuals released from incarceration to successfully transition into their home community. A primary goal of the RCCC program is to reduce recidivism by addressing health and social needs of Returning Citizens in Baltimore City. Community Health Workers provide 60 days of care coordination services to returning citizens living with chronic health issues leaving Baltimore City’s pretrial detention center.  

The program, now in its third year, is sustained by a grant through the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy’s Performance Incentive Grant Fund.

RCCC offers: 

  • 60 days care coordination upon release for pre-trial detainees who qualify
  • An individualized care plan for each participating returning citizen
  • A focus on chronic health needs, behavioral health conditions, and social determinants of health 

Services provided by Community Health Workers: 

  • Enrollment in Medicaid insurance benefits 
  • Connection to health care services, including primary care provider, specialty care for chronic illness management, and/or behavioral health treatment 
  • Connection to community-based programs and resources addressing health-related social needs, including:

      • Workforce development and job training 
      • Housing assistance 
      • Legal aid 
      • Prescription medication access 
      • COVID-19 vaccine assistance 
      • Quarantine assistance 
      • Food access 

For more information about RCCC email