Kenya Johnson joined HCAM in 2013 as the MATCH (Making All The Children Healthy) Program Operations Manager. In this role, she managed the administrative needs of the program, including the New Entrant and Medical Assistance teams. In addition to oversight of the operational needs of MATCH, she also functioned as the liaison between Baltimore City Department of Social Services’ operations and MATCH.
In July 2020, Kenya was promoted to MATCH Senior Program Manager of Operations and Performance. In this role, her responsibilities were expanded to include the management of program data and performance. In July 2021, Kenya was asked by HCAM senior leadership to help support the database management for the entire organization and became the HCAM Compliance Co-Chair. In July 2022, she was promoted to become the first Director of Data Quality for HCAM.
Kenya is a Maryland native, with roots embedded in Annapolis. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a master’s in Public Administration and is currently working toward a master’s degree in Data Science from Eastern University.
Fun Fact: Kenya enjoys playing computer games and spending quality time with her three children.